Friday, July 23, 2010

New Background

I got bored of the white oblivion that was my background.  This new background was created by The Background Fairy.  I know that some uber-bloggers (and yes, I said uber) judge a persons blog-skill by their ability to pimp their blog with all manner of fancy headers and images and links and yaddah, yaddah, yaddah . . . but you know what, I have more important things to do with my time than sit down and figure out some html code thingy!  (Actually, that's a lie!  I spent three days trying to create my own background image but couldn't seem to get the damn thing to fit the entire page and so, with much frustration and several wasted hours, I said [naughty word alert] "Fuck it!" and just yanked one off the web.) 

I wanted something simple, yet interesting enough.  I know that a lot of people delete the little banners of the creators, hiding their signatures from the rest of the world (if indeed the rest of the world visits their blog) and I used to do the same many, many, many, many, many, many moons ago when I roamed the origins of Myspace . . . but I figure, I didn't create the background, someone else did.  It's their art, and I'm supporting it . . . by yanking it.  And posting about it.  So . . . yeah.

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